Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last night I went and saw W. with a bunch of friends.  What a waste of time that was.  Basically I felt like all it did was try and make you feel sorry for Bush by showing you how retarded he is.  Which is what I expected except I thought it would be more satirical than it turned out being.  Because anyone who has not been living in isolation from the entire world for the past 8 years already knows that bush is rediculously dumb, we don't need a movie to tell us that.  I figured it would at least poke fun at him but no.  Really it seemed to say, "its not my fault I fucked up this country its my evil advisors, I am to stupid to have stoped it."  I mean really, it would not have been hard at all to at least make the audiance laugh seeing as his entire presidency has been one big JOKE.  Bottom line I wasted my time I hope not many other people do. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I love the winter.

Yes it's true, I am a big fan of winter. I love the snow and cold. The way I see it is that no matter how cold it gets you can always put on another layer of clothing when it gets cold. However the same is not true for when it gets hot. There comes a point where taking another layer of clothing off in the summer either does not do the trick or you will get arrested. Neither one of those options is good at all.

One of the only reasons that I can tolerate living in Utah is the winter. I love snowboarding. Last year when I didn't buy a seasons pass the season was awesome. As a result I ended up spending about twice as much as I would have had I just bought one to begin with. Anyway I bought one this year so hopefully it is a good season, this is why I am so excited for snow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So Tired of School

How much longer could this possibly last?  Well it sure seems like forever.  Starting at the beginning of this semester I passed the half way point.  People keep telling me, "it's all down hill from here."  The next time someone tells me that they better hope they can run faster than me because I am going to kill them.  Pharmacy School is like stepping into some sort of weird time warp thingermajig.  Somebody well say, "remember 1.5 years ago when we were in...."  All I can think is, this person is crazy that happened at least 10 years ago.  And yet the weeks go by so fast.  Its like slow motion and fast motion at the same time!!  Oh man... I have no idea whats going on....Well anyway so as to not have anymore confusion here is my new graduation count down clock:  (when I find one I like)